Press Release | May 23, 2024

Consumer Technology Association Urges Congress to Resist Harming Innovation 

Ed Frank Laura Ambrosio

The following statement is attributed to Gary Shapiro, CEO of the Consumer Technology Association (CTA) ®, regarding the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee markup advancing the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act and the draft American Privacy Rights Act, and the Communications and Technology Subcommittee legislative hearing on a bill to sunset Section 230:  

“The Consumer Technology Association urges Congress to pursue a pro-innovation agenda. Legislation that removes the protections of Section 230 threatens freedom of speech and the internet as we know it. Mandating AM radios in every car will hinder safety and entertainment innovations and increase production costs. While we continue to review the draft American Privacy Rights Act, federal privacy legislation should be clear in preempting state laws and protecting companies from frivolous litigation. Missing from subcommittee action this week is the SELF DRIVE Act, pro-innovation legislation to advance the American autonomous vehicle industry and save lives.   

As always, CTA appreciates the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s willingness to listen, and we will continue to work with the Committee to achieve shared goals of protecting consumers and encouraging innovation.”