Emerging Disruptive

As artificial intelligence and cloud computing become more sophisticated, there are a multitude of new technologies emerging that promise to disrupt how we address pervasive environmental issues such as clean water availability, pollution and transitioning to renewable energy sources for residential and commercial electricity use.
GoSun is an innovative solar cooking company that has developed a breakthrough method of cooking meats, seafood and vegetables fuel-free. GoSun’s solar ovens use sunlight to generate cooking temperatures as high as 550 degrees. This disruptive technology is the first solar cooker to be able to compete with conventional outdoor cooking systems. GoSun products also have applications for the developing world where the UN notes that 3 billion people still cook with fuels that are dangerous and harmful to their health.

Heatworks’ innovations are designed to change the way we heat water. Instead of traditional heating elements, Heatworks employs Ohmic Array Technology that passes electrical currents through the water itself. Hot water is purer, heated to a precise temperature at a 99% energy-efficiency rate that never decreases. Both its Model 3 water heater and its Tetra Countertop Dishwasher, which requires no plumbing connections and uses a standard electrical outlet, have been selected for CES Best of Innovation Award honors.

Noxtak develops solutions based on nano-magnetism, making use of the natural properties of certain types of nano particles that in a specific size are placed on a special type of film, producing a type of material called SPIRO (Spin Polariser Instrument of Radiation Organiser). In fact, the company’s product SPIRO DISC L4 is designed to effectively neutralize all types of electro-pollution emitted by electronic devices. The disc can support up to 15 devices, including office equipment, home appliances and electrical panels in homes.