Cybersecurity and Privacy Management Committee

CTA's Cybersecurity and Privacy Management Committee develops standards, recommended practices, and technical reports in the areas of cybersecurity and privacy management, for developers of connected devices.

Cybersecurity and Privacy Management Committee and its associated WGs are seeking volunteers for a variety of new work efforts. The committee is seeking interested parties categorized as Users (defined as members who acquire from Producers equipment or services to which the standards, bulletins or other documents apply) and General Interest [defined as neither Producers nor Users. This category may include regulatory agencies (i.e., state, federal), researchers, academia, other organizations and associations, and consumers].

Contact to join R14 or its working groups.  

Mitigating Cybersecurity Threats in ML-Based Systems

WG5 will develop standards, recommended practices and technical reports related to cybersecurity of ML-based systems. 

Framework for Evaluation of a Cybersecurity Scheme

WG6 will develop a standard that would formalize the means to judge a cybersecurity label Scheme against the NIST criteria (NISTIR 8425). 

Design Requirements for a Label for IoT Device Cybersecurity

This project will develop a standard consistent with US national label program that defines a cybersecurity label design. 

Guidelines for the National Cybersecurity Label Conformity and Trust Programs

This document will provide guidance regarding best practice certification program mechanisms for the U.S. Cyber Trust Mark program.

IoT Product Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Example

This project will document a cybersecurity threat or risk assessment of a hypothetical IoT product for use as an example for product manufacturers.

Cybersecurity Label Test Report Format

This project will document a common format for certain results of testing for compliance for a cybersecurity labeling program.