Artificial Intelligence Committee

CTA's Artificial Intelligence Committee develops standards, recommended practices, and technical reports related to artificial intelligence technologies. All are encouraged to join the Artificial Intelligence Committee and get involved in its activities. The Artificial Intelligence Committee is particularly interested in adding new members (called "users" who acquire AI from those who create it) as well as those with a general interest.

Artificial Intelligence Committee and its associated WGs are seeking volunteers for a variety of new work efforts. The committee is seeking interested parties categorized as Users (defined as members who acquire from Producers equipment or services to which the standards, bulletins or other documents apply) and General Interest [defined as neither Producers nor Users. This category may include regulatory agencies (i.e., state, federal), researchers, academia, other organizations and associations, and consumers].

Contact to join R13 or its working groups.

Definitions/Characteristics of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

To provide improvements to the Definitions/Characteristics related to Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare and associated technologies in healthcare.  

CTA 2125.1
Best Practices and Recommendations for Information Disclosure – Medical Device

To provide additional information for labeling and information disclosure in AI/ML systems, particularly in the context of medical device.  

Performance Verification and Validation of Predictive Health AI Solutions 

This standard outlines the methodology and requirements of the pre-market/pre-release verification and validation of predictive health AI solutions.

Verification and Validation of Operations and Monitoring for Predictive Health AI Solutions

This standard outlines the methodology and requirements of the post mark/post release verification and validation of operations and monitoring for predictive health AI solutions.