Press Release | May 15, 2024

Consumer Technology Association Statement on Majority Leader Schumer’s AI Roadmap

Jim Fellinger

The following statement is attributed to Gary Shapiro, CEO, Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® regarding Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer’s AI policy framework released today:  

“We thank Senate Majority Leader Schumer for leading a thoughtful and deliberative bi-partisan process to advance much-needed AI legislation. Technology is borderless, and as a global leader in innovation, the U.S. needs a clear national AI policy with guardrails so American innovation in AI can safely flourish. We’re carefully reviewing the specifics of this proposal and encourage Congress to work together to advance bi-partisan legislation that protects consumers and ensures that U.S. innovators remain global leaders.”    


CTA recently endorsed bipartisan bills in Congress, the CREATE AI Act (S.2714/ H.R.5077) and the Artificial Intelligence Research, Innovation, and Accountability Act of 2023 (S.3312). Additionally, CTA has opposed state-level bills in California, Connecticut and Colorado. A complex and fractured landscape of state laws and regulations create huge barriers to entry for the smaller companies and entrepreneurs creating new services and products. 

With seven published technology standards related to AI, and as a contributor to AI policymaking, CTA is ready to work with lawmakers on pivotal national legislation. Successful outcomes for AI policy and innovation depend on cooperation and concerted efforts by both the private and public sectors.  

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