CTA Innovation House

CTA Innovation House

The Consumer Technology Association (CTA)® Innovation House is the tech industry’s headquarters on Capitol Hill. Since opening in December 2014, more than 100 members of Congress and agency officials have visited the Innovation House.

The Innovation House is a unique venue for educating policymakers and staff, enabling them to experience the cutting-edge technology that drives our innovation economy. The CTA Innovation House hosts a variety of policy-related events including political fundraisers, lobby days, educational presentations, policy briefings and coalition meetings.

CTA Member Benefits

CTA members are welcome to use the Innovation House as part of your outreach to policymakers and key influencers in Washington.

The standard usage fee is waived for CTA member companies. Members may host a variety of events at the Innovation House, including:

  • Receptions
  • Meetings
  • Briefings
  • Retreats
  • Product Demonstrations

CTA Innovation House Events

CTA Members and allied associations are welcome to use the Innovation House for their next event on Capitol Hill. Please fill out the Event Request Form to inquire about hosting your next event at the Innovation House.

For more information, please check out our Innovation House Event Planning Guide.

Innovation House Gallery

CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby
CTA Innovation House Lobby